My KALTBLUT exclusive editorial is part of an ongoing project about the figure of the Cailleach from Irish mythology that was particularly inspired by a talk given by Manchán Magan at last year's Kinsale Arts Weekend. The Cailleach is an archetypal ‘Mother Earth’ goddess representing our entanglement to nature and the process of life and death. During a recent period spent at home in Ireland, I noticed that many people were talking about this ancient goddess and it seemed she was suddenly returning to the mainstream, giving hope for a renewed entanglement with nature. This drew me to imagining a Mother Earth Goddess of today and what she would feel upon seeing our disrespect and disconnection to nature.

The desert backdrop was used as a metaphor for today's society as an inhospitable environment for what the ‘Mother Earth’ archetype represents, particularly the importance and interconnectedness of all forms of life. This editorial was shot in September and tragically incidents that have taken place since have proven how devastatingly divided we are.

For the styling I chose pieces that reflected the paradox of the hard and soft qualities the ‘Mother Earth’ archetype represents in her life-giving and taking characteristics that mirror nature. She wears pieces that play on armour to evoke her power and ability to defend herself in the unwelcoming landscape she finds herself in and delicate pieces to emphasise her vulnerability.


Creative direction & photography: @beccageden

Model: @celine_shenxx

Styling: @beccageden

Styling 1st assistant: @chrisfallie

Styling 2nd assistant: @sashachristina_

MUA: @timtimismouthy @m_our_y

Hair: @llumosmakeup

Set Design: @charlotteelizabet

Set Design assistant: @karib_reyes

Lighting assistant: @captures._of_.kk

with assistance from @inesbrochado_

Shot in @lcflondon_

Find it on @kaltblut_magazine


UnIVerSaLLy DomInaNt!!!